Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you on September 11th?

The cub scout weekly meeting was scheduled right after school. It was our first of the school year and the 6 boys scheduled to be there would not have rides home if I failed to meet. I left work early and couldn't help but notice the lack of air traffic. It was a haunting image, and I wondered when, if ever, I would see planes fly again.

My son and the other boys ran across the gym to the meeting room, full of energy and exuberance that only 3rd grade boys can display, especially after being in school all day. One of the 'tips' from my training was to schedule a game early in the meeting to help the boys release some of their energy. Just as we were ready to file outside, I heard the familiar sound of a jet fighter flying overhead! I hustled the boys out and we watched Air Force One carry President Bush from Omaha back to Washington, D.C.

We had just discussed the significance of the lack of air traffic, and the historic day we were living through. My attempt to underline the oddity of no air traffic was trumped by the President's "jet-fighter escorted" exit from the strategic underground at Offut Air Force Base (my birthplace!).

By the way, the game we played was "duck-duck-goose." It did help to relieve some of their energy.

May God continue to Bless America!

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