Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Processing Time for Omaha Hearing Office - 631 days

At the 3rd level of appeal in a Social Security Disability case, there is an ALJ Hearing. This article concerns the processing time after the hearing is requested. In other words, the first two denials don't count.

In Omaha, the time it takes to process a case is 631 days. There are 149 hearing offices like Omaha around the country. We currently rank 127th. These numbers reflect information from SSA through 02/27/2009 and obtained by NOSSCR (National Organization of Social Security
Claimants' Representatives).

We have five (5) ALJ's and and an excellent hard-working staff that supports them, but the volume of work obviously is more than can be expeditiously handled. Let's hope that with the increased money SSA received from the stimulus package, more staff will be added.

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